International Co-operative Day 2014

92nd Alliance International Co-operative Day

20th UN International Day of Co-operatives

5 th July 2014

"Co-operative enterprises achieve
sustainable development for all."


  • This year, International Co-operative Day, to be celebrated on 5 July, will have the theme of “Co-operative enterprises achieve sustainable development for all.” Read message here
  • Cette année, la Journée internationale des coopératives, qui sera célébrée le 5 juillet, aura pour thème : « les entreprises coopératives aboutissent au développement durable pour tous ». Lire message ici
  • El lema de esta edición del Día Internacional de las Cooperativas, que se celebrará el 5 de julio, será “Las empresas cooperativas logran el desarrollo sostenible para todos”. Leer noticia aquí

The aim of the day is to increase awareness of co-operatives and promote the movement's successes and ideals of international solidarity, economic efficiency, equality, and world peace.

ICA first celebrated the International Day in 1923. The International Day is now run in partnership with the UN and the UN asks all member governments to participate in the celebrations each year.

The International Day has a different theme each year. Themes in recent years have included "Co-operative enterprise remains strong in time of crisis" last year, 'Co-operative enterprises build a better world' in 2012, ‘Youth, the future of co-operative enterprise’ in 2011 and ‘Co-operative enterprise empowers women’ in 2010. Co-operatives around the world celebrate the Day in many different ways, seeking to gain media coverage and public awareness at a local and national level.

July Press Release from the Alliance

You can read it in: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese.



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