President's journal: London visit, banking, meet Indian Co-operators and ... testing the Fairphone

19 Feb 2016

Photo: Leaders from European Co-operative Banks, Desjardins, BPCE, DZ Bank, Credit Mutuel, Norinchukin Bank, and RZB attending the February meeting in London, chaired by Alliance president, Monique Leroux.

In a busy three day visit to London, 17-19 February 2016, Alliance president Monique Leroux met with leading co-operators from Europe and Asia. A congenial dinner in company of former president Pauline Green provided a welcome opportunity to catch up on the latest news and exchange views.

The focal point of Ms Leroux’ visit was a high level meeting between senior executives of co-operative banks Desjardins, BPCE, DZ Bank, Credit Mutuel, Norinchukin Bank, RZB, delegates from EACB, and the chair of the Financial Stability Board (FSB), Mr Mark Carney. The Board makes recommendations about the global financial system and includes the G-20 major economies, national financial authorities, and the European Commission. The meeting was a much anticipated first for the members of the European Association of Co-operative Banks, who discussed with the Mr Carney new measures regulating banks’ solvency. Ms Leroux as president of EACB’s High Level Contact Group emphasized the importance of the diversity of business models and the significant contribution of co-operative banks to the economy and the global financial system.


Photo: Alliance Director-General Charles Gould, President Monique Leroux and Dr Awasthi, Managing Director of IFFCO.


Ms Leroux’ also met with Dr Awasthi, Managing Director of IFFCO. Dr Awasthi, an avid social media user said on Twitter, following the meeting, that he enjoyed “discussing wide ranging issue 4 coop rejuvenation in uncertain global economy.”  IFFCO is a leading Indian federation of more than 40 thousand co-operative societies connecting farmers. IFFCO celebrates this year its 50th Anniversary. Throughout 2016, IFFCO is to mark the event by organising co-operative events all along the year.



Ed Mayo, Secretary General of Cooperatives UK, and the driving force behind the rejuvenation of the International Day of Co-operatives, joined Ms Leroux on Friday. Building co-operatives’ profile worldwide through a dynamic marketing strategy extending deep into the regions indeed is one of the priorities on Ms Leroux’ programme. Mr Mayo, chair of the Alliance’s Communications Committee, briefed the Alliance president on plans for the day, and on recent landmark successes of UK coops, including the launch of the new Fairphone 2 handset by the Phone Coop (pictured).

Photo: Alliance Director-General Charles Gould, President Monique Leroux preparing the Alliance's forthcoming board meeting, 2-4 March in Sydney, Australia. 


Ms Leroux and hosts closed the three day succession of meetings with a convivial dinner in company of Pauline Green, former Alliance president.



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