Call for papers - ICA-ILO International Research Conference: Co-operatives and the World of Work

The International Co-operative Alliance's Committee on Co-operative Research (ICA CCR) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) will host a research conference on 10-11 November 2015 in Antalya, Turkey, as part of the Alliance's 2015 global conference ( The research conference will bring together researchers, students, practitioners, advocates, policy makers and representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations working in areas of co-operative enterprises and social and solidarity economy organizations, as well as labour research and themes related to the world of work. 

In a nutshell

Call for papers

The hosts invite practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in the cooperative and social and solidarity economy to submit an abstract no longer than 300 words on the listed topics, or other topics related to cooperatives and the world of work. Proposals for presentations or for panels (up to six participants) and sessions (three or four presenters of research papers on a common theme) are welcome. The abstracts should be submitted by email to: no later than February 15, 2015. The email communications should indicate ICAILO2015 and the family name of the corresponding author in the subject area (eg. ICA-ILO2015 - Smith). The message should indicate clearly the type of proposal - paper abstract, panel, or a session. A panel or session proposal needs to include names of all presenters, as well as abstracts of all three (or maximum four) papers for a session.




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