New apex organisation to be launched in Japan

05 Mar 2018

For more than 60 years since it was founded in 1956, the Japan Joint Committee of Co-operatives (JJC) has been liaising, forming partnerships between co-operatives, solving common problems, and promoting collaborations with overseas co-operatives.

With the aim of further promoting inter-co-operative collaborations at national, prefectural and local levels, the Japanese movement explored the need for  a new apex organisation, and the form and functions it should assume.

After more than 18 months of discussion, JJC members decided to change to a new apex organisation, which can empower the sector to expand the roles and functions of co-operatives in communities. The new organisation starts work on 1 April.

In Japan, co-operatives are active in diverse areas including agriculture, forestry and fisheries, retail, finance, mutual aid, employment creation, welfare, medical care, travel  and housing. Total membership of co-operatives is 65 million.

We believe apex organisations are the best way of bringing co-operative sectors together to use their voice in an effective way.

“Thanks to the interactions and knowledge sharing between different co-operative sectors, they have a global vision of the national co-operative movement. The creation of a new co-operative organisation is an exceptional adventure. Be sure that the International Co-operative Alliance will support you in this extraordinary challenge,” said the president of the ICA, Ariel Guarco.

More information here:

Photo: care co-operative in Japan (c) JWCU


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