Sri Lankan co-ops launch appeal for victims of floods

02 Jun 2017

As Sri Lanka is struggling to cope with the effects of the worst torrential rains since 2003, the country’s co-operatives are helping those affected by floods.

The Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation (COOPFED) is supplying essential food to those in need and organising local donation centres. Over 470,000 people from across 15 districts were impacted by the floods, with many houses, factories and co-operative branches destroyed.

According to the Disaster Management Centre, 164 people have lost their lives as a result of the floods, with another 104 missing. More than 75,000 people had to relocate to safer areas.

COOPFED has launched an appeal for assistance, asking for dry foods, sanitary items and medication.

The Alliance has also set up a bank account for co-operators wishing to donate to the cause.

Bank Details for financial donations

Beneficiary account: ACI Solidarité

Bank address: KBC BRUSSELS - Place Dailly 3 - 1030 Brussels – Belgium

IBAN: BE28 7340 3825 7920


Important! Include this mention with your contribution: 


Postal Address for other donations

General Manager / chief executive

Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited

No 11, Sanders place, Colombo 12,

Sri Lanka

Phone: +94112438137/8 Fax: +94112331008


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