4th International Forum on Cooperative Law

San Sebastian

The fourth International Forum of Cooperative Law took place in San Sebastian, Basque Country, from 29 November – 1 December 2023. The event was organised by Ius Cooperativum, an international association of cooperative lawyers, with the support of GEZKI, the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the Kooperatiben Kontseilua (formerly the Higher Council of Cooperatives of Euskadi, CSCE-EKGK) and the International Cooperative Alliance. 

The forum focused on the principle of cooperation among cooperatives and brings together lawyers from all over the world who are interested in cooperative law and provided a platform to discuss cooperative law in different countries and continents.

The event offered an opportunity to network with experts in cooperative law, gain insight into best practices, and share experiences with peers from around the world.

More information about the event here.



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