ICA Global Cooperative Conference 2024


Pragati Maidan, New Delhi
110001 Delhi

The cooperative movement gathered for the Global Conference of the ICA, held in New Delhi, India, from 25 to 30 November 2024. The event was hosted by the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative (IFFCO), an ICA member since 1980, alongside 18 other ICA member organizations in India, representing nearly 800,000 cooperatives and 290 million cooperators.

The conference theme, "Cooperatives Build Prosperity for All," guided discussions across four plenary sessions and accompanying parallel sessions, which aimed to create an Action Agenda for Cooperatives to accelerate the SDGs. 

Delegates from over 100 countries discussed how cooperatives build prosperity for all, focusing on four conference pillars: Reaffirming the cooperative identity; Enabling supportive policies; Developing strong leadership: and Building a sustainable future. These discussions shaped the New Delhi Action Agenda, an action plan adopted at the conference, which asks individual cooperatives, communities, civil society organisations, the private sector, governments, opinion shapers and multilateral institutions to take concrete actions for a just society and safer planet.

Following the global launch of the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025), a dedicated IYC website has been set up and is now live. It brings together information, updates and assets to enable people, cooperatives and communities to celebrate the Cooperative Year and achieve its stated objectives of raising public awareness, promoting growth and development, advocating for supportive frameworks and inspiring leadership.

Read more about the event here.



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