Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

ICA Annual Report 2021

20 Jun 2022

The ICA 2021 Activities Report brings together the activities and outputs of the ICA network that includes its Regions, Sectoral Organisations, Thematic Committees and Youth Network, as well as DotCoop which manages the COOP domain name. ICA’s value in promoting the cooperative movement worldwide largely flows from the interaction between all these entities.

The report also explains the preparation of the 33rd World Cooperative Congress along with its two preparatory conferences, namely the ICA Cooperative Research Conference and the International Cooperative Law Forum, which took place in Seoul and online on 1-3 December with preparatory activities as of 28 November). This hybrid event provides access to cooperators from around the world who can join from their own place, but it also provides one of the first opportunities to finally meet in person.