Cooperatives Europe, the Alliance’s regional office for Europe, is giving young co-operators the chance to go to Paris by sharing their stories of co-operation. It teamed up with CoopFR, the representative organisation of the French co-operative movement, who are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the French Cooperative Law, and the Young European Cooperators Network (YECN), joining together co-op youth from 15 countries.
The winners are:
1. Best Project / Overall winner: Arnaud Delcasse - Scity.coop / Ridygo (France)
2. Runner-up / Second place: Ivan Kardum - Cooperative for Ethical Financing (Croatia)
3. Special Prize - Coup de Coeur Award: Anselma Lovens - Boschi Vivi (Italy)
The #MyCoopStory competition, was aimed at co-operators aged 18-35, who had to explain their projects or activities involving a collaborative economy dimension.
The winners will get to talk about their project at the biggest #coop event in France this year: the celebration of the French co-operative law’s 70th anniversary by Coop FR. They will also have the chance to go on a tour of local co-operatives. Cooperatives Europe will cover flights and accommodation costs.
Do you want to learn more about how young co-operators are transforming their realities all around the globe? Visit the Alliance Youth Network here.