
Cooperatives: the time is now! international gathering

At the occasion of  the ICA 2022 General Assembly in Seville, Spain, international cooperators were invited to a gathering on 19-22 June 2022.

<span class="administrative-area">Sevilla</span> , Spain

World Cooperative Monitor Official Launch

The International Cooperative Alliance and the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse) launched the 2020 World Cooperative Monitor during a special webinar on 2

2018 International Day of Cooperatives

In 2018, the International Day of Cooperatives was celebrated on the&nbsp;7th of July.&nbsp;

Asia Pacific Workshop on Campus and Youth Cooperatives

The ICA-AP Committees on University/Campus Co-operatives [ICUC] and the ICA-AP Committee on Youth Cooperation [ICYC] are jointly organizing a Regional Workshop titled “Youth and Campus Co-operatives –


Cooperatives: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

<span class="administrative-area">NY</span> , United States

“Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better Society in Israel”

We cordially invite you to a conference “Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better Society in Israel” commemorating Dr. Yehudah Paz, the founding chairman of AJEEC-NISPED.



Official Catalogue EXPOCOOP

<span class="administrative-area">PR</span> , Brazil

Co-operative Enterprise Law

Co-operative enterprise law is only rarely part of teaching curricula, even if around one billion members around the world are involved in this special form of enterprise with an economic and


Jumbo Fairtrade Tea Party

Jumbo Fairtrade Tea Party Wednesday 19 February 11am-3pm The Co-operative Wholesale Society began 150 years ago with a tea party at Jumbo Farm in Middleton.

United Kingdom
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The first ICA Global Conference plenary…

On 22 January, the soft launch meeting of the

The deadline for submissions for the…