ICA General Assembly 2011

International Co-operative Alliance
Moon Palace Hotel & Spa
Carr Cancun-Chetumal km 340


General Programme Summary

The theme of the conference is the “International Year of Co-operatives 2012: Co-operative Enterprises Build a Better World”.

Monday 14 November will begin a series of statutory meetings held by various ICA bodies and will carry over until Tuesday afternoon.

The conference will begin Wednesday afternoon with a series of workshops followed by the Opening Ceremony, Welcome Reception and a show. The Closing Plenary will take place on Friday just before lunch. The closing Gala Dinner and Dance will take place on Friday evening.

During the conference, a number of key topics will be discussed, including:

● Celebrating the ICA launch of the International Year of Co-operatives
● Raising the public awareness of co-operatives
● Communicating co-operative values in branding and marketing.
● Marketing your co-operative on the web and in social media.
● Getting the attention of the media and telling your story.
● Co-operative legislation in developing contries
● The Global 300.
● A series of workshops and educational sessions covering the theme of the conference from different perspectives which will be hosted by various ICA sectoral organisations and thematic committees.
● And other exciting topics

Friday afternoon, the ICA General Assembly will convene to conduct the statutory business of the ICA including:

● elections of global Board members to fill any vacancies
● approval of amended statutes for a number of ICA regions
● amendments to the ICA Statutes and Bye-Laws
● approval of a number of resolutions

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