Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

ICA's Coop’Art Competition launched to capture imagination of Creative Young Co-operators

18 Nov 2011

The Coop’Art competition, which invites young people to express themselves co-operatively, is officially launched at the ICA’s General Assembly.

A global artistic competition designed to encourage youth to creatively express their views on co-operative principles was launched today by the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) at their General Assembly.  

A camera, an instrument or a voice is all entrants will need to be able to participate in the competition.

The competition has come out of recognition by the ICA that co-operatives provide young people with not just an opportunity to potentially run their own businesses, but also a values set which can make the world a better place. Co-operatives do already offer lots of opportunities for young people to be employed with enterprises that offer a democratic, responsible and ethical alternative to business operations. 

Over the coming year the ICA wants to invite young people into the co-operative sector and Coop’Art is one of the ways that.  The competition was conceived by José Antonio Chavez, the youth representative on the ICA Board. 

At the launch Chavez said “Young people throughout the world share many of the values of the co-operative movement, and they live by these on a daily basis.  If co-operatives are able to deliver their messages in a way young people understand, using the communication tools that they use, it will be possible to get them more active and involved. Coop’Art is an opportunity for young people to be inspired to get more involved in the co-operative movement” 

Entrants in the global competition can submit their work through the ICA’s new dynamic website www.2012.coop which has been launched at the General Assembly today.

Anyone can enter provided they are aged between 16 and 35. The competition has three categories for submissions - photography, video and music.

First prize for the winning entry in each of the three categories is USD 3000 and a trip to the World Co-operative Forum in Manchester, UK in November 2012, where there will be an award ceremony. Second prize is in each is USD 2000 and third prize is a tablet computer.