Money and Life: A Conversation whose time has come with filmmaker Katie Teague

The Lyceum Hall
201 S Washington Street
22314 VA
Estados Unidos

We want to invite you not only to a very special movie screening of Money and Life, but also to become a part of a new, on-going local conversation about the future of money, exchange, and how we find the means to afford what we most value in life. In your heart, you sense that we need a radically new conversation about money, don’t you? Come be part of something hugely important: a community gathering that not only shifts the conversation about money, but begins the work of how each of us, individually and as a connected community, can actually be part of the New Economy! Witness the power of communities banding together to create new cooperative forms of caring and sharing to the meet individual and collective needs of the community with sustainable living as a value. Mark your calendars and plan to join the conversation. Filmmaker, Katie Teague will join us for the evening!
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