Los coanfitriones de la Cumbre Internacional de las Cooperativas revelan 100+ ponentes

20 May 2016

Un gran nombre de ponentes de alto nivel, entre ellos Joseph Stiglitz - economista, premio nobel y profesor de la Universidad de Columbia, Jeremy Rifkin, económista social, autor y asesor político, presidente de la Foundation on Economic Trends, Robert REICH - Profesor de la canciller política pública de la Universidad de California, Berkeley, y Secretario del Trabajo en la administración Clinton, proporcionarán retratos sobre las principales tendencias económicas y financieras, junto con una perspectiva para el futuro.

Discubre las ponentes en el sitio web del cumbre!

Guy Cormier
Monique F. Leroux
Guy CORMIER, President and CEO, Desjardins Group and Co-host of the International Summit of Cooperatives, Canada
Monique F. LEROUX, President, International Co-operative Alliance and Co-host of the International Summit of Cooperatives, Canada
Descubra los 100+ ponentes confirmados
Un panorama de los ponentes confirmados (en orden alfabético)
Philippe Brassac
Don Coulter
Philippe BRASSAC, CEO, Crédit Agricole, France
Don COULTER, President and CEO, Coast Capital Savings, Canada
Andrew Crane
Gaétan Desroches
Andrew CRANE, CEO, Co-operative Bulk Handling (CBH Group), Australia
Gaétan DESROCHES, CEO, La Coop fédérée, Canada
Leer el artículo «La Cumbre revela 100+ ponentes»
Mark Kramer
Philippe Mangin
Mark KRAMER, Founder and Managing Director, FSG, and Senior Fellow, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, United States
Philippe MANGIN, Chairman, InVivo, France
Mary McBride
José Orbaiceta
Mary McBRIDE, President, CoBank ACB, United States
José ORBAICETA, Treasurer, Cooperar, member of the CICOPA Executive Committee, Argentina
Inja Park
Navi Radjou
Inja PARK, Chairperson of Consumer Activities, iCoop, South Korea
Navi RADJOU, Author, Speaker and Advisor in Innovation and Leadership, United States
Robert Reich
Ben Reid
Robert REICH, Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, and Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, United States 
Ben REID, CEO, The Midcounties Cooperative, United Kingdom
Jeremy Rifkin
Robynn Shrader
Jeremy RIFKIN, Economist, Economic and social Theorist, Author and Political Advisor, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, United States
Robynn SHRADER, CEO, National Cooperative Grocers Association, United States
Joseph Stiglitz
Hilder Vernaillen
Joseph STIGLITZ, Economist, Nobel Laureate, Professor at Columbia University and Author of the bestseller The Price of Inequality, United States
Hilde VERNAILLEN, Chief Executive Officer, Groupe P&V Assurances, Belgium



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