Cooperatives: Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

United Nations Headquarters, New York - Conference Room D
760 United Nations Plaza
10017 NY
Estados Unidos

In the framework of the 59th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW59), the ILO and the ICA have organised a side the event "Cooperatives, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment", in New York on March 10, 2015.

Read the full programme below: 

Opening Statement

Baasanjav Otgonjargal – State Secretary, Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection of Mongolia


  • Dame Pauline Green – President, International Co-operative Alliance
  • Dr. Lisa Schincariol – Senior Research Consultant, Taylor Newberry Consulting
  • H.E. Jeanne d'Arc Byaje – Deputy Permanent Representative, Mission of Rwanda to the UN
  • Vanessa Bransburg – Director for Cooperative Development, Center for Family Life


Simel Esim – Head of the COOP Unit, ILO

Interactive Debate

Interventions from the floor

Presentation of Resource Guide

  • Resource Guide for training on entrepreneurship development of women and gender equality
  • Savitri Singh – Advisor to Gender and Communication Programmes
  • Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the International Co-operative Alliance

Closing Remarks

H. E. Od Och – Ambassador, Mission of Mongolia to the UN
Contact information


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