Congressional Cooperative Business caucus launched in the USA

29 Jan 2016
The US Congress will from now on have a bipartisan Cooperative Business caucus. The group was formed to promote the co-operative business model as a viable market solution and policy option and inform policymakers about the co-operative alternative.

The launch of the caucus coincided with the 100th anniversary of the National Cooperative Business Association, which will also serve as the group’s external partner. Two Congress Representatives have so far joined the caucus.

Representative Ed Royce (Republicans, California), caucus co-chair and founder, said: “As a long-time advocate of co-operative business - from California’s credit unions and mutual insurers to Africa’s rural electric co-ops - I look forward to highlighting the benefits these organisations provide to their customers and their communities. Co-operatives not only provide valuable goods and services around the world, but also offer their members a piece of their success”.

Rep Mark Pocan (Democrats, Wiscounsin), who is co-chairing the caucus, was also present at the launch event.

“I’m proud that my district is home to thriving co-operatives - from the Willy Street Co-op to the University of Wisconsin Credit Union,” Mr Pocan said. With 80 co-operatives, Wisconsin’s Dane County has the highest number of co-ops per capita of any county in the nation.

“I look forward to working with Rep Royce to promote greater awareness of the co-operative business model and to advocate on federal policy issues unique to the co-op community,” Mr Pocan said, adding that the caucus would help Congress understand the “diversity and benefits” of co-operatives.

The launch of the group is an important achievement for NCBA CLUSA, which has been campaigning for creating a co-operative caucus to raise awareness of the co-operative business model. “We are thrilled by the formation of this historic caucus dedicated to advancing the role of co-operatives in the nation’s economy at the federal level,” said Judy Ziewacz, interim chief executive and president of NCBA CLUSA. Photo: Ed Royce; Deb Trocha, Executive Director of the Indiana Cooperative Development Center; Mark Pocan


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