Vdp MitUnternehmer - und Genossenschaftsverband e.V (vdp e.V.) from Germany

07 Oct 2011

Vdp e.V. from Germany became a Member of the ICA on 23 September 2011. vdp e.V. was founded on 14 June 1991 and is the Organisation for German Partnerships, Joint Ventures & Co-operatives. Vdp.E.V. supports and advances the principles of joint ventures, commercial partnerships and co-operatives; assists the conception, commercial, legal and fiscal representation of its members in international, parliamentary and government arenas; provides legal and tax advice for members; provides advice on business management and organization; provides education and advanced training of personnel, executive staff and oversight committee members; and enters into wage agreements and/or partnership agreements.

Their members are currently all co-operatives. Vdp E.V. has 95 co-operative members in the following sectors: agriculture, consumer, health, housing, workers/industrial and energy. Their 95 co-operatives represent 20,000 individual members. For more information: www.menschen-machen-wirtschaft.de




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