eDigest - June 2011 - Stronger, together – ICA members unite behind common message

01 Jun 2011

"Together we can tell the whole world what we do," says ICA Board member, Anne Santamaki, of the opportunity unleashed by the UN International Year of Co-operatives. It's why her employer, SOK Corporation “ Finland's leading retailing co-operative with more than a 40 per cent share of the national market “ was the first to support the ICA's IYC 2012 global appeal fund.

IYC 2012 Co-ordinator Nicola Kelly says funds have begun to roll in for the appeal, which will enable the ICA to deliver the IYC campaign.

"Having launched the global appeal in January, members have to date generously donated CHF 300,000, setting us well on the way to our CHF1.5 million target ¦ We have now entered stage two of the appeal campaign. We now have our campaign objectives in place as well as a host of benefits for sponsors".

Get the full version of the June 2011 eDigest.


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