IYC Poster

Now Available at the ICA Shop

To purchase your posters visit www.icashop.coop/iycposter

IYC Poster

The ICA launched an official poster for the International Year of Co-operatives in 2012 at the General Assembly in Mexico. The poster came out of an international competition, where co-operative creatives around the world came up with designs which expressed the virtues of the co-operative movement in the International Year. 

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Collage-No, a co-operative design agency based in Valencia, Spain are the winning designers of the ICA’s IYC Poster Competition and walked away with USD 3500 prize money.

The winning design was produced in a co-operative way, with each artist designing a different section using different techniques on a piece of paper folded into three, without being able to see what each other had created. They had no idea what the form would look like until they unfolded the piece of paper at the end of the process to reveal their ‘Exquisite Body’. 

Our approach started with the three key messages described in the poster briefing: sustainability, enterprise and co-operation. The concept of our proposal was to collectively assemble a set of images into what we called an ‘Exquisite Body’. Each student chose their own way to illustrate the three key messages, using a variety of different techniques and available resources.

At the end of the process we pooled all the proposals and blended them into the final image - our ‘Exquisite Body’. The poster is an example of co-operation and teamwork, with our spontaneity & creativity being integral to the project.

To purchase your posters visit www.icashop.coop/iycposter

You can also download a lower quality PDF of the poster below...