General Assembly set to look forward to Co-operative Decade

30 Apr 2012


Exactly one year after the United Nations’ official launch event in New York, the birthplace of the modern co-operative movement will play host to the global culmination event for the International Year of Co-operatives.  Thousands of co-operators are set to celebrate the close of the International Year and the launch of a Co-operative Decade in Manchester, UK, this October. Co-operatives United is the global culmination event for the International Year of Co-operatives and the ICA’s closing ceremony for the Year at Manchester Central. It will also look forward to the next ten years of co-operation. Organised in association with co-hosts the Co-operative Group and Co-operatives UK, the event (29 October to 2 November), which is expected to attract 10,000 visitors, will include the ICA General Assembly and will be broadcast globally online to allow members worldwide to take part. ICA delegates will debate the 2020 vision of a Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade, also under discussion will be the ICA’s strategic plan, its legal status and membership subscription formula. The ICA’s first World Co-operative Monitor, which replaces the Global300, will also be published during the event and the results of Coop’Art the ICA’s global artistic competition for young people. Chuck Gould, Director-General of the International Co-operative Alliance, said: “We're delighted to be working with co-hosts the Co-operative Group and Co-operatives UK on the delivery of Co-operatives United. Plans are well and underway and I'm confident that it's set to be truly global event as we celebrate the close of the International Year and the official launch of a co-operative decade.” Delegates will gain access to a number of other events taking place in the exhibition complex that week, which include: • The ICAEXPO trade event, to encourage business between co-operatives, will host suppliers from all continents in sectors such as agriculture, banking, housing and retail. • Co-operative Living, which will be a life-size town square with a number of retail outlets themed to mirror successful co-operative businesses. Other conferences taking part during the week-long event will cover Fairtrade, co-operative enterprise, schools, values and principles and a young filmmakers’ festival. • To find out more about the ICA General Assembly, and Co-operatives United, visit the ICA's special page. Picture: Manchester Central.


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