2013 ICA Global Conference and General Assembly

A Decade in Action 

Our Global Conference and General Assembly was held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, South Africa during the week of 1-5 November.  It was the first time in the Alliance's 118 year history that it was held in Africa.  Over 1000 people from 88 nations joined us to debate, learn and connect, proving that the co-operative movement is a global force, moving forward today.

You can still visit the Official Conference website here


Presentations from Cape Town

Images from Cape Town

Videos from Cape Town

Workshop: Access to Community Services:

Social Needs, Cooperative Answers. Introductory video

The video "Social Needs, Cooperative Answers. How cooperatives provide community services across the world" paints a picture of the main global trends regarding cooperatives engaged in community services (health, education, housing, environment, social services, labour integration of disadvantaged citizens etc). It was launched at the workshop "Access to community services", organized together by CICOPA and the International Health Cooperative Organisation (IHCO), on 3 November in the framework of the International Cooperative Alliance Global Conference "A cooperative decade in Action".


PARTICIPATION. How multistakeholder cooperatives forter quality services

This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".



IDENTITY. How cooperatives reintegrate vulnerable groups into society

This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".



SUSTAINABILITY. The power of inter-cooperation

This video mainly focus in how groups and consortia provide community services is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".



SUSTAINABILITY. How cooperatives foster local environmental development

This video is part of the series "Social needs, cooperative answers. How cooperatives provide sustainable community services across the world".



Workshop Access to community services, 3/11, South Africa - A Co-operative Decade in Action

The session "Access to community services", co-organised by CICOPA and IHCO on 3 November in the framework of the ICA conference "A cooperative decade in action" in Cape Town, will paint a picture of the main global trends regarding cooperatives engaged in community services (health, education, housing, environment, social services, labour integration of disadvantaged citizens etc) with the help of international experts and examples of cooperatives in the field.



TOGETHER - How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis

This video contain some extracts from TOGETHER the new documentary produced by CECOP - CICOPA Europe. TOGETHER. How cooperatives show resilience to the crisis - will have its premiere the 26th June 2012 in the European Economic and Social Commitee. The documentary shows the resilience of the cooperatives and participative enterprises in industry and services to the crisis. The film bring forward emblematic examples of restructuring measures by cooperatives in four European countries: the Foundry de l’Aisne, an enterprise in crisis transformed into a cooperative in France, the MONDRAGON Corporation, the 7th largest industrial group in Spain, Muszynianka, a producer of mineral water in Poland and Consorzio SIS, a social cooperative consortium in Italy.