Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

Six new organisations join the Alliance

23 May 2014

We are delighted to welcome our two new members and four associate members to the Alliance family. The fact that they represent three continents between them shows just how global and far-reaching our movement is. The new membership total now stands at 268 member organisations: 229 Members and 39 Associate Members from 93 countries.

Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Ande N° 1 R.L. (Coope Ande N°1 R.L.) from Costa Rica as a full Member.

Coope Ande N°1 was formed by education workers in service, retired or public pensioners or private institutions, and organizations that promote the training and culture of Costa Rican society.

Federación Regional de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Préstamo Noreste S.C.L. de C.V. (FENORESTE SCL de CV) from Mexico as an Associate Member.

FENORESTE is a federation whose members are co-operatives in the banking and loan sector.

Korea University Cooperative Federation (KUCF) from Korea as an Associate Member

This is a university co-operative which was established by its members – students, faculty and staff – to make their lives on campus better. They are a joint purchasing co-operative.

Federal Department of Co-operatives, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nigeria as an Associate Member.

FDC is responsible for the development of co-operative policy and the legal framework for co-operatives. They are also responsible for general coordination of the movement.

Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INILAK) from Rwanda as an Associate Member

Independent Institute of Lay Adventists of Kigali (INILAK) is a private higher education institution. It has three campuses across Rwanda. They teach economic sciences and management, environment studies, and law. They have a department of Cooperative Management and Accounting which is under the economic sciences and management track.


COOPCENTRAL is a financial co-operative entity of third degree that offers equity loan services. Its members are simultaneously contributors, managers and users of financial services.