Blase has been a Board member of Co-operative Housing International since 2015 and its Treasurer since 2017.
He became involved as a Board member of the UK representative organisation for co-operative housing, the Confederation of Co-operative Housing, in 1997 and has been its Chief Executive Officer since 2014. He is a Board member of the Co-operative Housing Finance Society, a founder member of Community Led Homes and the Treasurer of Leicester Vaughan College.
He is a qualified trainer and has provided support and advice to over 100 housing co-operatives and social housing providers in the UK. His areas of expertise are corporate governance, risk management and financial control and he has numerous publications to his name including the Code of Governance for Community Led Housing and Financing Co-operative and Mutual Housing.
I want to be on the ICA Board to ensure that an effective voice is in place for the sectoral bodies and offer my skills, knowledge and experience for the benefit of ICA and its members around the world.