2018 #coopsday : Cooperators' guide

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At the international Co-operative Alliance we have created this Cooperators’ guide to help you promote #coopsday around!

We have prepared ‘ready to post’ messages for the social media. The #coopsday logo is available for you in different languages and formats. The statement has been published for you to share its messaging and we are proposing cooperators divers actions to promote #coopsday. Just find the one that suits you and let us know if we can be of any help!

Under the slogan ‘Sustainable societies through cooperation’, we are going to show the world that it is possible to grow with democracy, equity and social justice.

And we are convinced that all together we can make #coopsday a big buzz. Last year we made our General Assembly trend #1 in the UK and Malaysia on Twitter. We have the power!


Download the Cooperators guide


Coopsday 2018 logos and social media headers

Download: Cooperators guide and Coopsday 2018 logos


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