Economics for the 99% - Co-operatives in Victoria

Cardijn Community Australia
Trades Hall Council
54 Victoria Street, Carlton
VIC 3053 Victoria

Cardijn Community Australia invites you to a Saturday Morning at Trades Hall for a series of snapshots of the past, present and future of the co-operative movement in Victoria. The workshop entitled “Economics for the 99%: Cooperatives in Victoria” will take place on Saturday 11th August 2012, from 8.30a.m. to 12.15p.m at theTrades Hall Council, Lygon Street, Melbourne. We will hear brief reflections and commentaries from pioneer activists and present scholars of the post Second World War co-operative movement. Some cutting edge co-operative start-ups will then be showcased. Our review of contemporary co-operatives will be followed by an opportunity to put your ideas in a general discussion.
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