Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

International Women's Day 2012

International Co-operative Alliance
Global event

The ICA is working with the Global News Hub this International Women’s Day, March 8, to create a diary of women’s co-operation around the world. We want to collect personal reflections from women about how co-operatives has made a difference or changed lives. This year’s International Women’s Day gives us a chance to reflect on our movement’s work to inspire girls and young women with the potential of a co-operative future around the world. The co-operative movement’s message to the world in the International Year of Co-operatives in 2012 has so far been about that there is a fairer way of working – there does have to be a better way to do big business but if we are serious about ridding the world of global poverty, then there also has to be a better life for Kidan and her children. Our experience worldwide shows that 
through co-operatives, millions of women have been
 able to change their lives, improving their living
conditions and those of their families and
communities - they have found through the 
co-operative enterprise model a route towards self-
empowerment and development that worked for 
them. In a world where women perform 66 per cent of the world’s work, produce 50 per cent of the food, but earn only 10 per cent of the world’s income and own only one per cent of the property, co-operatives gives women the opportunity to access services such training, education and information, dividends, to vote, to make decisions, to run for leadership positions. It also gives women access to services, healthcare, credit and to other products that the co-operative may provide. We know that co-operatives work for women no matter where they live in the world. As women hugely contribute to 
the economic and social performances and 
success of co-operatives, we must make it our
responsibility to more fully recognise the
 part that women co-operators play in creating a sustainable and equitable world for us all. We want you to share your stories this International Women's Day on the Global News Hub. This might be in a small way or it might be in a big way – whatever your story, tell us about it so that we can show how co-operatives are working for women globally. You can submit your diary entry here: http://www.thenews.coop/article/share-your-stories-how-co-operatives-em… Download the ICA's annual statement on International Women's Day here: http://s.coop/80fr To find events in your country visit: http://www.internationalwomensday.com/
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