My.Financial.Coop | Validation workshop


The validation workshop aims to bring together participants representing relevant stakeholders in the field of cooperative finance for the My.Financial Coop training programme. Among invited organisations are those which took part in the previous meeting of the stakeholders (in June 2015) and new organisations interested in joining the partnership at this stage.

The objective of the 2-days validation workshop is to cross-reference and validate the content of the initial set of content materials produced within the framework of the MyFinCOOP initiative. The results of the validation meeting will feed into the strategy for the further development and instructional design of the training package.

The outcomes of the workshop are:

·      curriculum design of the training package validated

·      the technical content notes and case-studies validated

·      agreement on the key guidance for content development methods (trainer notes, handouts, slides and exercises, etc.)

·      agreement on the next steps (i.e. the development of the training materials, the virtual library, testing and peer reviewing).


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