Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal - Spain


Born in Bilbao (Basque Country), Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal studied Industrial Engineering and Business Management at the University of the Basque Country. A native Spanish and Basque speaker, he also speaks fluent English, and intermediate French and Italian. As a cooperative member, he has worked for MONDRAGON Group cooperatives, forming part of the Board of Governors. 

He is currently a member of the Board of Governors for KONFEKOOP, CSCE, COCETA, CECOP and CICOPA (President). His cooperative experience has been in credit, consumer and worker cooperatives. He has worked in production plants in Holland, Czech Republic, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, the USA and China. He is currently Director of Institutional Relations at Mondragon Corporation.

Cooperatives have always been a different way of doing business. A more humane company, more respectful of the workers and the communities in which they settle. A better company.
But it has never been as important as it is now to defend the cooperative business model. Because the pandemic has shown the weaknesses of our societies, because the social gap is bigger now, because we need better companies to have better societies and communities. We need to push our role, to be an example and make the ICA an instrument for changing public policies.

Together, we can do it. The time is now!