Tell us your IYC memorable moment

29 Nov 2012



Share your memorable moments from the International Year of Co-operatives.

2012 has been an amazing year for co-operators, with thousands upon thousands of people gathering for events in countries around the world — all in the name of co-operation.

The United Nations International Year of Co-operatives was launched at the UN's New York City headquarters and has been celebrated by world leaders as well as grassroots activists.

Co-operatives have come together globally and embraced the IYC logo and strapline, thus helping to raise awareness of the alternative enterprise model.

Governments are recognising co-operatives in legislation; development organisations see our movement as the answer to many of the world's problems and the public are starting to wake up to a business alternative.

Most importantly 2012 has been about the people; members, activists, customers — all co-operators looking for a better world and celebrating co-operation.

• What is your memorable moment from the International Year of Co-operatives? The ICA has teamed up with the Global News Hub to collect memories from around the world, click here for more details.


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