UK movement sends donations to IYC fund

30 Apr 2012


Co-operatives across the UK are the latest supporters for the ICA’s International Year of Co-operatives fund with global donations now totalling CHF 463,000.

Donations totalling CHF 39,360 were made in the main by UK retail consumer societies, which make up the bulk of co-operative membership in the country. This round of 2012 funding, co-ordinated by the apex body Co-operatives UK, came from Midlands Co-operative, Midcounties Co-operative, East of England Co-operative, Anglia Regional Co-operative, Lincolnshire Co-operative, Southern Co-operative, Channel Islands Co-operative, Chelmsford Star Co-operative and Scotmid Co-operative. Additionally, healthcare provider Benenden also made a contribution. These ten co-operatives join the Co-operative Group, which continue to support ICA activity throughout the UK. The Group and Co-operatives UK are co-hosting Co-operatives United, the IYC culmination event to celebrate the International Year, which will be held in Manchester from 29 October to 2 November 2012.  Shelagh Everett, International Year of Co-operatives Programme Leader at Co-operatives UK said: “Despite the difficult economic times, co-operatives and mutuals in the UK have chosen to make a significant financial contribution to the ICA and Co-operatives United, as well as running their own ambitious campaigns to raise awareness of the co-operative way of doing business. We’re delighted that the UK co-operative sector has got behind the International Year of Co-operatives with such generosity and passion.” Separately, Sanford Housing Co-operative also made a gift to the IYC fund. The co-operative is Britain’s oldest purpose built housing co-op, having been established in the 1970s. Chuck Gould, Director-General of the ICA, thanked all the donors: “These donations make a real difference to our work on the International Year of Co-operatives enabling us to deliver our aim of raising public awareness of the co-operative model during the year.” • To find out more about how you can donate to the ICA’s Appeal to support the International Year of Co-operatives, please visit: Midcounties Co-operative celebrates the International Year.


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