While SDG5 focuses on gender equality, how are cooperatives in different regions empowering women and working towards making this a reality? From argan co-ops in Morocco and in artisans in India, to agents of ecological change in Uruguay and textile upcycling in India, here are four women’s co-ops accelerating action for themselves, their communities and the planet.
The argan tree is endemic to Sous valley of southwestern Morocco and the region of Tindouf in southwestern Algeria. They can grow to 10m and can live for approximately 200 years – while the seeds can be roasted and ground to extract oil, which is sold globally as a luxury product. Argan oil is largely produced by cooperatives.
The Tissaliwine Union of Cooperatives, founded in 1999 in Agadir, Morocco, was formed by four cooperatives, and has played a major role in facilitating the economic inclusion of rural women by enabling them to sell their argan oil as cosmetic products on the UCFA Tissaliwine online market. The union has grown to 18 cooperatives with 1,200 women across six provinces, enabling women to benefit from stable employment and financial independence.
“The cooperative gives women economic empowerment, capacity building, training,” says Jamila Idbourouss, Tissaliwine director, adding that through the cooperatives, women have gained more decision-making power within their households, which has led to better gender equality in rural areas and improved the wellbeing of families.
“[Working together] strengthens women's capacities,” she adds, “and also guarantees us a new generation of cooperatives” – which are a vital part of tackling environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and the sustainable management of argan tree forests in Morocco.
In India, similar things are happening with the Looms of Ladakh – an ethical, herder-artisan-led luxury brand that describes itself as “a farm-to-fashion sustainable, luxury, herder-artisan-owned brand, at the intersection of design and heritage that aims to provide a blueprint for the ecological and ethical challenges faced by the global fashion industry”.
The Looms of Ladakh Women Cooperative Ltd., established in 2017, now operates across 15 villages, working with over 250 women artisans to produce pashmina shawls, stoles, and apparel from indigenous wool. By 2022-23, the cooperative achieved an annual turnover of $70,000, and it has collaborations with the Indian Army Veterans Welfare Division and All Changthang Pashmina Growers Cooperative Marketing Society. In September, herder-artisan members at the 7th Annual General Meeting of the cooperative heard how earnings of members in weaving, dyeing and tailoring trades rose from to Rs.15000 from Rs.3000 per month.
The cooperative “aims to upskill the first generation pashmina weavers of Ladakh and build decentralised studios in their villages,” says its mission statement, and “the materials shall be sourced ethically and in harmony with the herder-artisans age old cultural and ecological practices”.
Ecological impact is a theme seen in many women’s cooperatives, whether this is the focus of the organisation or not. This is certainly the case at GEVI Consultants, is a Uruguayan women's cooperative dedicated to promoting a green and inclusive economy.
“Our vision is to be recognised as leaders in promoting sustainable actions and managing best practices for the transformation of companies and organisations,” it says, “which will drive and incentivise productive development and the social fabric toward a green and inclusive economy.”
Its mission, it adds, is to be “an agent of change in the transition to a greener planet,” by providing consulting and training services that facilitate the incorporation of sustainable practices in local, national, and international organisations.
The organisation took part in the 2024 cooperative incubation process provided by INCUBACOOP, a joint effort between the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM), the National Institute of Cooperativism (INACOOP) and the Uruguayan Confederation of Cooperative Entities (CUDECOOP), and now works on projects related to sustainable development, the circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, waste management, and sustainable production and consumption.
In Ukraine, the Resew Cooperative describes itself as a “queer-feminist sewing cooperative focusing on intersectional queer feminism, environmental activism, and economic justice”. Created in Kyiv in 2016, the women-led initiative promotes repairing and upcycling textiles while advocating for eco-friendly lifestyles and making clothes accessible for trans and non-binary people. Since the outbreak of war in 2022, displaced women members reorganised to provide stable jobs and raise money for humanitarian aid, while upcycling military uniforms into everyday clothing.
It also fosters cooperative education through a board game that simulates real-world cooperative challenges.
“The Sewing Cooperative board game is created by the artist and activist Tonya Melnyk. “More than 10 years ago, their dream of a sewing cooperative gave birth to this game, and in the years to come, real work experience from an actual cooperative added to its adventures,” says the organisation. “The game is like real life - sometimes it's difficult, sometimes it's lucky, but together everything is possible.”