Mr. Toru NAKAYA is president of JA-Zenchu (Central Union of Agricultural Co-operatives), the apex organization of agricultural co-operatives in Japan and the incumbent ICA global board member.
Mr. NAKAYA also chairs JCA (Japan Co-operative Alliance), representing co-operatives from wide range of sectors in consumer societies, agriculture, fishery, forestry, banking, mutual, health & welfare and workers with over 100 million people.
While growing citrus fruits on a family farm, he quickly conducted leadership as cooperative leader. Also, as president of IDACA (Institute for the Development of Agricultural Cooperation in Asia), Mr. NAKAYA strongly supports capacity-building in developing countries and cooperation among co-operatives.
Mr. NAKAYA would like to propose the following initiatives for ICA:
- Identity: Lead comprehensive and lively discussion on cooperative identity, as Mr. NAKAYA is one of several incumbent ICA board members who proposed to initiate global discussion on the identity.
- Sustainability: Contribute to the sustainable food production, agriculture, environment, and local communities under the UN’s SDGs.
- Cooperation among co-operatives: Strengthen cooperation among cooperatives with ICA members, as Mr. NAKAYA has expertise in many C2C cooperation including capacity building for developing countries.
- Governance and finance: With experience as long-time cooperative leader, Mr. NAKAYA is committed to realize a stable and democratic governance as well as a sound finance of ICA.