New transatlantic agreement between French and Canadian worker co-operatives

28 Dec 2015

Canadian and French worker co-operatives have signed an agreement to exchange best practices. The Canadian Federation of Worker Co-operatives and the Confederation of co-operative and participatory societies of France (CGSCOP) are the two biggest co-operative federations in their countries. The new collaboration will enable them to share knowledge and expertise.


“We have already proved many times that the social and solidarity economy is a viable and sustainable solution to financial insecurity. Now we only need to prove to the people and workers that worker co-operatives are the enterprise model of the future,” commented Alain Bridault, president of FCCT and Patrick Lenancker, president of CGSCOP. “By sharing expertise we will be able to save thousands of jobs in the following years,” they added.


CGSCOP provides support to enable the transfer of enterprises to employees, in the form of worker co-operatives. “The employees involved are in many cases able to collectively buy the enterprise that employs them, particularly when the owner hasn’t been able to identify a successor outside the business. With the right supervision the employees can become co-owners, co-investors and co-managers,” said Mr Bridault. He thinks the Canadian sector can learn from this experience.


The worker co-operative model is well known in Quebec and a number of successful worker buyouts have already taken place. “The Canadian experience will no doubt improve our knowledge. With this first attempt, we mutually pledge to share best practices that we have both observed and documented. We are certain that this Transatlantic dynamic will collectively enrich us,” added Mr Lenancker.


Picture: representatives from the Canadian Federation of Worker Co-operatives signing the agreement.