Co-operatives from the Americas region are looking at ways in which they can increase collaboration to make the most of the advantages brought by technological developments. At a recent conference in Costa Rica, representatives from co-ops in 13 countries discussed about co-operative competitiveness and the digital economy.
The theme of the event was collaboration between co-operatives as a means of strengthening competition and integration in the digital economy. The conference gathered over 100 co-operative directors and practitioners and 20 speakers. They looked at how co-operation between co-operatives, governments, universities, financial institutions and NGOs could help co-operatives achieve a competitive advantage.
The conference was co-organised by Co-operatives of the Americas, the University of Kennesaw, the Confederation of Cooperatives of Caribbean, Central and South America (CCC-CA), the Centre for Co-operative Training and Formation (CENECOOP) and FUNDEPOS University.
Participants highlighted that co-ops find themselves in an increasingly changing and competitive environment. Digital technology also changes the way in which people interact, not only in their working environment, but also at commercial, financial and political level, they said. While 60% of people in Latin America are un-banked, the use of the digital technology could help promote social, economic and financial inclusion, argued the delegates.
Participants agreed that digital economy could be a means to increase the economic value of co-operatives as well as their engagement with members and customers. They added that the economic and digital integration of co-operatives was a fundamental element to increase their offer in terms of products and services.
The organisations taking part in the event ratified an agreement in which they pledged to work together to foster and strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of co-operatives in the Americas. As part of the agreement they will be setting up a Consortium of Co-operative Competitiveness, made up of organisations and institutions from Canada, USA, South America, Central America and Caribbean.
The consortium will act as a think-tank. It will carry out research projects and publish an academic journal in financial and economic information for co-operatives. The co-ops are also looking at developing education and training programes that promote economic development of co-operatives in the Americas.
The organisers are putting together a digital version of the conference, which will include all presentations and will be available to all interested co-ops. For more information contact Arturo Piedra-Santa coordinator of the Department of Development of Co-operatives of the Americas at coopdesarrollo@americas.coop.
Photo: participants at the digital economy conference in Costa Rica (c) Co-operatives of the Americas