Co-operative Dairy Alliance expected to strengthen Canadian dairy sector

29 Jan 2016

Two of Canada’s leading dairy co-operatives have formed a Co-operative Dairy Alliance that could strengthen the country’s sector.

Amalgamated Dairies Limited (ADL) and Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited (Gay Lea Foods) will work co-operatively by sharing process excellence and collaborating on market distribution, delegate and leadership training, research and development and procurement.

Gay Lea Foods is the largest dairy co-operative in Ontario and focuses on butter, cultured products and whipped cream. ADL is a leader in cheese and condensed milk.

“The nature of this new relationship will allow each respective Co-operative to maintain their independence while at the same time leveraging the strengths, assets, and resources of the combined business to work towards a collective goal to grow and sustain a strong, dynamic and innovative dairy industry for the benefit of their members,” said Garnet Schellen, president of ADL.

Paul Vickers, chair of the board at Gay Lea Foods, added: “As a proudly Canadian dairy co-operative, we aspire to apply the co-operative principles in our daily business practices with industry partners and customers and the Alliance is another way we can strengthen both the Canadian dairy industry and the co-operative movement.”

Photo: Paul Vickers and Garnet Schellen


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