01 Jan 1995

Volume 2 Contents
- Co-operative Principles
- Co-operative Women's Issues
- Co-operation Between Co-operatives
- International Co-operative Trade
- Co-operative Development
- Membership Participation
- Employee Ownership
- Social Economy
- In Memoriam: George Ganneby
- Book Reviews
Volume 4 Contents
- ICA Centennial Congress
- Co-operative Principles
- Joint Project on Participatory Democracy
- Youth and Co-operation - The Present and the Future
- The International Co-operative Research Forum
- Co-operatives and Sustainable Human Development
- Second Workshop for Young Journalists from the Co-operative Movement
- ICA General Assembly: Reports of the Vice-Presidents
- Report of the Audit and Control Committee
- Director-General's Report
- Reports of the Specialised Bodies
- Draft Minutes
- Resolutions
- Interviews
- Letters to the Editor
- Book Reviews