The Korean Fisheries Cooperatives' Business Knowledge Sharing Program

15 Oct 2010

The Korea National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives (KNFC) has been striving to protect economically vulnerable fishermen and their rights and interests, based on the cooperative spirit of self-sufficiency, personal responsibility, democracy and equality. We have contributed to the development of a well-balanced national economy by providing safe food for all Korean citizens.

During the 2008 Financial Crisis, the International Labor Organization (ILO) identified cooperatives as the most effective model, over other corporate models, in overcoming such crises. The world now pays belated attention to cooperatives, which had previously been considered to be an outdated economic model of bygone days.

However, despite its achievements, the fisheries industry is facing unprecedented crises due to the increasing costs of fishing arising from high oil prices, rapidly declining resources, polluted oceans and global warming – a byproduct of industrialization. To overcome these crises, the need for all cooperatives to take collaborative measures and to share their collective wisdom is steadily growing.

71-digest.pdf (738.06 KB)
Corea del Sur


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