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The Co-operative Alternative – How We Build a Better World

The Co-operative
Dominion Arts & Education Centre
112 The Green
Southall UB2 4BQ
Reino Unido

As part of our celebrations of the United Nations International Year of Co-operatives we invite you to find out more about co-operatives and how they offer an alternative, relevant business model for the 21st century. We are hosting a free workshop from 6pm to 9pm on Wednesday 18th April at Dominion Arts & Education Centre Southall as an opportunity for you to find out more - booking is essential The Co-operative Alternative – How We Build a Better World This interactive workshop will include short films, presentations and discussion. Light refreshments will also be provided courtesy of The Co-operative. The workshop will look at: • The background of Co-operation and the UN International Year of Co-operatives • Co-operative values and principles • Co-operative businesses and how the values are put into practice • Our campaigns to reduce poverty, inspire young people and tackle climate change • Co-operative democracy, committee structure and candidate requirements • How to vote at Co-operative committee elections Booking is essential. For further information or to book your place please call 0800 015 1147 or email membership.southeast@co-operative.coop
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