2012 ICA Research Conference

Université du Québec

ICA Committee on Co-operative Research is partnering with the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation, CIRIEC Canada, and the Association of Co-operative Educators, as well as two major co-operative research networks in Canada. The theme is "Cooperation for Change in the International Year of Cooperatives." The research meetings will be held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the national francophone and anglophone co-op associations. Such collaboration is a milestone and promises to create a wonderful opportunity for researchers from around the world to meet Canadian co-op researchers and practitioners in the fabulous city of Montreal. You are heartily invited to participate in the conference by the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation (CASC), the Association of Co-operative Educators (ACE), the ICA Committee on Co-operative Research, Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network (CURA), the Développement territorial et coopération research network (ARUC-DTC) and CIRIEC Canada, along with the Canadian Co-operative Association (the CCA), le Conseil canadien de la coopération et de la mutualité (CCCM) and le Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM), which will help ensure that there is a distinct Montreal flavour to this national event, with provincial examples of innovation and best practice. The conference will feature a wide variety of panel presentations, roundtables and site visits, as well as numerous opportunities for networking with other co-op researchers, practitioners and policy makers from across North America and around the world. Panel presentations will examine, among other things a variety of co-operative sectors (worker cooperatives, agricultural co-operatives, financial co-operatives, services co-operatives, forestry co-operatives, etc.), aboriginal co-operatives, co-operative development in different countries and regions, management and governance issues related to co-operatives, educating and mobilizing for co-operation, and co-operatives and sustainability. Special roundtables will look at public policy issues related to co-operatives, social responsibilities policies and practices of co-operatives, co-operatives and Fair Trade, and campus co-operatives, among other topics. Prof. Linda Shaw of the Co-operative College in Manchester will deliver the keynote speech. ICA Executive Director Charles Gould will speak at the closing reception at the Montreal City Hall. Dr. Linda Shaw of the Co-operative College in Manchester will deliver the keynote address. ICA Director-General Charles Gould will speak at the closing reception at Montreal City Hall. Special roundtables will look at public policy issues related to co-operatives, social responsibility policies and practices, Fair Trade, and campus co-operatives, among other topics. Program summary: http://www.coopresearch.coop/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Program-Summary… Registration: https://www.qvc.qc.ca/Inscript/Publique/QVC2101A.aspx?m=2&a= Fees and Options Regular Early Bird Registration (by June 1) - $350 (CDN) Late Registration (after June 1) - $400 (CDN) Students 
 Early Bird Registration (by June 1) - $175 (CDN) 
 Late Registration (after June 1) - $200 (CDN) Conference Banquet 
Monday, June 25th - $50 (CDN) Co-op Tours 
Wednesday afternoon June 27th - $35 (CDN) http://www.canada2012.coop/en/orphans/congress#tours Hotel accommodations are available at Le Centre Sheraton $149 CND per night single or double occupancy. Reservations: 1-800-325-3535 Online reservations: http://s.coop/CongressBookings
 Group code: International Year (IYC)
Contact information


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