Gender, generations and gentes in Tuscany's cooperation (Genere, Generazioni e Genti nella cooperazione toscana)

Alliance of Italian Cooperatives - Tuscany (AGCI, Confcooperative, Legacoop)
via Benedetto Varchi 34
50132 FI

Next Monday, October 8, at the seat of the President of the Region, at Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati (Piazza Duomo 10, Florence), there will be a presentation of the initiatives promoted in Tuscany for the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) . To 13.00 Gianfranco Simoncini, Regional Councillor for Productive Activities, with the top of the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives - Tuscany (the stable coordination of regional cooperative movement consists of AGCI, Confcooperative and Legacoop) present to the press "Gender, generations and gentes in Tuscany's cooperation", the calendar of initiatives designed to celebrate this anniversary desired by the UN. The event, sponsored by the Alliance of Cooperatives in conjunction with the Region of Tuscany, Unioncamere and Fon.Coop, currently consists of three steps, although others are under development: an ideas competition for start-up cooperatives made up of under 35 named "Let's start Together", a conference on women entitled "Gender to create value" (December 17, Sala Pegasus, Palazzo Strozzi Sagrati) and "SocialMediaCoop", a digital network designed to promote the events of "Gender, generations and gentes in Tuscany's cooperation" and promote the values ​​inherent in this form of enterprise.

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