Coop'Art Winners

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) are proud to announce the winners of our global art competition - Coop'Art - Express Yourself.

"We received over 170 proposals from 35 countries of Asia Pacific, Africa, Americas and Europe in what is the first competition undertaken by the ICA of global dimension, 6450 votes were registered on the website," said José Antonio Chávez Villanueva, youth representative on the ICA board. "We must continue working to create national, regional and global formal committees that encourage and strengthen youth participation in this and other projects."

Charles Gould, Director-General of the ICA, praised the high quality of the work submitted by contestants which was a true representation of the global nature of the co-operative movement in which youth’s collective passion for the positive change co-operatives can bring to society was strongly represented.

The Coop’Art completion, which was open to people aged between 16 and 35, aimed to raise the awareness of young people of the co-operative movement through photography, video and music categories and was one of the ICA's many contributions to the international year celebrations. So, now, our winners...


Winner - Billy Ray Tamio - Phillipines

Second Place - Vijay Singh Rajput - India
Third Place - Sara Sofia Planes - Argentina

Billy Rey Tamio, a government worker and freelance photographer in the Philippines, took first place in the photography section of Coop’Art with his image of a group of siblings sitting in a rough field in an old, red, metal cart waiting for their oldest brother to attach them to his bike and pedal them across the bumpy track to their farm. He said in an interview with an online news site in the Philippines that “they were so happy in spite of their condition”.

See Billy's Winning Photograph


Winner - Francisca Javiera Badilla Castillo - Chile

Second Place -  Joao Meirinhos - Portugal
Third Place - Armina Natividad - United Kingdom

Francisca Javiera Badilla Castillo from Chile won the video section with her portrayal of the role credit co-operatives play in assisting people to own their homes, helping people to become their own bosses and funding education.

Watch Francisca's winning video


Winner - Roberto Morban Ramirez - Dominican Republic

Second Place - Emily Erhardt - Canada
Third Place - Francisco Javier Luevano Gutierrez - Mexico

Singer and composer Roberto Morban Ramirez won online accolades for his lyrical representation of the sentiments behind youth co-operatives.

Listen to Roberto's Winning Song


Thank you to our sponsors of the Coop'Art - Express Yourself competition, The Co-operative Group, Central Cooperative Union of Bulgaria, S Group, Coop of Italy, Cooperative Central Bank of Cyprus, IPACoop and Federación De Cajas Populares Alianza...


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