The International Co-operative Alliance, along with agricultural co-operatives from across the world, are supporting the International Year of Family Farming 2014 (IYFF).
Last year the United Nations launched the IYFF during a ceremony at which the International Co-operative Alliance was also represented. The campaign aims to encourage active policies for sustainable development of family farming.
In his speech at the official opening of the IYFF, FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, said the year built on a longer process of synergy and coherence with the previous two UN International Years – the International Year of Co-operatives and the International Year of Quinoa.
Referring to the importance of the IYFF, Dame Pauline Green, President of the International Co-operative Alliance, said that secondary co-operatives were often owned by family farmers. She added that secondary co-operatives could also help to ensure that wealth was returned to farmers and not to large multinational businesses.
“We believe as the ICA that part of our role is to help build co-operatives and that in itself is in support of the IYFF.
“Co-operatives are, of course, unique in that they ensure that the wealth generated from the secondary business is kept in the hands of its farmer members. It is this role that has been the key element in the growth of agricultural co-operatives around the world, and we have still more to do on this front, particularly in Africa where our relationship with the FAO will be critical to this work. “
Over 500 million family farms representing more than 80 percent of farms worldwide help feed the world. By joining co-operatives farmers gain stability and security, being better equipped to face the challenges of what can often be a very volatile market. They can also gain access to training, market their products better and gain access to the global market.
A review published by the World Rural Forum and the Regional Program Fida Mercosur reveals co-operatives are helping to strengthen family farmers in Ivory Coast. With help from the Institute for Economic and Social Development of Ivory Coast, farmers managed to set up co-operatives and create a regional label to enhance the marketing of their products.
The International Year of Family Farming campaign has so far gained the support of over 260 civil society and farmers’ organizations from across 60 states.
Photo: Ethiopian family farmer and his wife.