Attilio Dadda - Italy


Born in 1966 in Maleo (LO), in the Po valley, he started working in the cooperative movement since 1990 as General Manager of cooperatives in the services and ecology sector for over twenty years. Starting his career in Legacoop Lombardia, the Regional League of Cooperatives and Mutuals of Lombardia, as Coordinator of the Multiservices Department, currently he is the President of the Regional League and the Vice President of Legacoop, the National League of Cooperatives. He represents, as Co-President, the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, Lombardia Region. In 2019 he signed the Declaration of the State of Climatic and Environmental Emergency of Legacoop Lombardia.

My vision for the ICA is: Identity: based on the enhancement of the cooperative principles; Multidimensionality: to represent the strategies of small and large cooperative enterprises both in the local and global business and Inter-cooperativity to implement the sixth cooperative principle.
Innovation, intergenerationality, gender equality, sustainability and peace are our common heritage. We want to share good practices and contaminate ourselves with positive cooperative experiences around the world.

Working together to grow cooperation.


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