Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

2017 CCR Co-operative Research Conference

Striling, UK hosts co-operative research conference

University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, UK
Stirling FK9 4LA
United Kingdom

Stirling, United Kingdom

20-24 June 2017

The ICA CCR Global Research Conference, organized by the International Co-operative Alliance have took place from 20th June to 24rd June 2017 at the University of Stirling in Stirling, United Kingdom. The conference covered areas like policy, theory and practice. The conference theme is to explore the role and potential of co-operatives as inclusive,collaborative and responsible businesses. The goal is to consider these issues in theory, policyand practice - connecting the contribution that theory can make to better co-operativepractice, and that co-operative practice can make to better theory.

Conference theme: "Developing inclusive and responsible businesses: Co-operatives in theory, policy and practice"

  • 20 June:  Young Scholars' activities
  • 20 June: Evening reception
  • 21-23 June: Conference sesssion
  • 24 June: Co-op tours

Click here to read more about the "Young Scholars Program".


Several reports have been released from the 2017 Global Co-operative Research conference in Stirling: 

Check on the website http://ccr.ica.coop/ for more information!


Read the publications, which have been released as follows:

"Keynote speakers announced for International Co-operative Alliance Global Reseatch Conference in Stirling"

"Global Co-operative Research Conference in Stirling"

"Call for papers for the 2017 Global Research Conference";

"International Cooperative Alliance Global Research Conference 2017";


Hear the video message from the Alliance's President, Monique F. Leroux, addresses the Global Co-operative Research Conference and highlights the importance of co-operative research networks to enhance the model's global economic potential!

Want to know more about the conference, you can Download the Call for Papers. Deadline for abstracts & proposals: 10 February 2017 here!

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