ICS MED International Seminar : Building a European Cooperative System


LYON 20, 21 JUNE 2012 ICS MED MEETING : BUILDING A EUROPEAN COOPERATIVE SYSTEM The European Union supports the cooperative economy as a local development actor. ICS MED project aims at improving Mediterranean Europe’s ability to face international competition. This transnational cooperation project brings Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and France together in order to reinforce the cooperative systems and to decline policy lines in coordinated actions between four specific sectors : fishery, agriculture, tourism and environment. Business meetings among cooperatives from partners’ countries have been organized and aim at : - Reinforcing the international dimension of the Mediterranean area’s cooperatives, thus enhancing their ability to better face an increasing international competition ; - Putting in place the first international “community of practice” of the cooperative sector in this area ; - Improving the visibility of the cooperative system among European and local institutions. TWO DAYS TO PROMOTE EUROPEAN EXCHANGES Lyon’s international seminar will take place on June 20th and 21st 2012 : On Wednesday June 20th, cooperatives and the project’s partners from each sector are expected at the Woopa (Carré de Soie, Vaulx-en-Velin) ; On Thursday June 21st, some workshops and a plenary session will be held at the Hôtel de Région in the presence of the four sectors’ regional representatives. This second day, open to a larger public, will enable to reinforce the links between social and classical economies, as well as territorial authorities, associations and universities. These two days of meetings must allow the creation of international professional synergies. Free admission June 20th : Lunch will be provided June 21st : Meal in a cafeteria at the expenses of the participants Information : http://www.medcoop.eu/ http://www.oxalis-scop.org Contacts : Laurence Michaud and Sandra Decelle-Lamothe Phone : 04 37 42 17 07
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