George Magutu Mwangi - Kenya



    I envision a world that is sustainable with equal access to opportunities and resources to serve people’s needs through social and economic transformation; inclusive through the co-operative model and increase financial inclusion; democratic; upholding the principles of integrity, good governance, justice and respect for all; peaceful, strong and resilient; and climate centric; aware of the impact of climate change.


    • ICA –Africa Board member at large
    • Group National Chairman at Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Co-operatives (KUSCCO) Treasurer of New Fortis SACCO
    • Board member WOCCU (World Council of Credit Unions) Board member at the Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK)
    • Board member at NEDAC (Network for Development of Agricultural Co-operatives in Asia and Pacific).
    • Board member at KUSCCO Mutual Assurance


    1. ENABLING ENVIRONMENT FOR CO-OPERATIVES: Advocate for a level playing field between the cooperatives, private sectors, governments and other stakeholders to improve legislation.
    2. YOUTH MEMBERSHIP: Put in place activities that will promote youth participation in ICA Global and cooperative matters. Push for policies that will encourage educational institutions to include the coopera- tive business model in their curricula.
    3. CLIMATE CHANGE: Continue to promote climate smart agricul- ture in the agricultural sector. Promote ethical production and consumption in our communities. Promote recycling and renewable energy in the continent.
    4. SUSTAINABILITY: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employ- ment, and decent work for all. Strengthening governance, accountability and transparency is a foundation for sustainability.


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