African Co-operative Development Strategy 2013-2016

14 Aug 2013
The Africa Co-operative Development Strategy had been developed as a build-up to gains realized in 2012 during the celebration of the UN International Year of Co-operatives. The enthusiasm and interest generated during the year gave us the encouragement to pursue a more pragmatic approach to the promotion and development of the co-operative movement touching on all social and economic facets of human development in the continent.
The Strategy is structured on the basis of the Blueprint for Co-operative Decade 2011-2020. The blueprint focuses on five pillars namely, participation, sustainability, co-operative identity, legal framework and co-operative capital which will spur development and create a push for adaptation of the co-operative business model as a model of choice by end of the decade 2020. In particular, the Strategy aims to address the African co-operative movement special development goals to improve members’ socio-economic situation by leveraging on the benefits of a co-operative enterprise. Therefore, the Theme for the Africa Region for 2013-2016 is “Leveraging the Benefits of a Cooperative Enterprise” while providing dynamic consistency in policy and robust institutions that provide the springboard for actions by co-operatives and their membership.
We take this opportunity to call for support from all our development partners, governments, the co-operative organizations and their members to embrace the plan and facilitate its full implementation. Financial resources will be needed to support implementation of the plan. Under the initiatives and outputs each activity has been allocated a budget line. We therefore appeal for engagement and involvement for all stakeholders in realizing the goals set for the plan.
We look forward to a great movement in the continent which will deliver tangible benefits to its members and build the economies of the continent.


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