Alliance Board elections - 2016

16 Aug 2016

There are two open positions on the Alliance Board for members at large that will be elected at the upcoming Meeting of Members to be held on 10 October 2016 in Québec City, Canada. Below is information on each candidate. Candidates will not be making a presentation during the meeting. This is to ensure that members voting by proxy and unable to attend the meeting have the information they need to exercise their votes.

Mr Usman SURUR SIRAJ, nominated by Awach Savings and Credit Cooperative (ASCCo)


Candidate Name:  Usman Siraj Surur

Country:  Ethiopia

Nominating Organisation:  Awach Savings and Credit Cooperative (ASCCo)

Candidate statement:

Usman Surur Siraj is the Director General of the Federal Cooperative Agency. He is an active member of ASCCo. He has worked in agriculture and rural development and has also worked at University Colleges.  He has an MSC on development Communications, BSC (Crop Sciences), Diploma (General Agriculture) and Diploma (Agro Mechanics), as well as a number of certifications and participated in many trainings globally.

Mr Mohammadreza RAEESINEJAD Doboneh, nominated by the Central Union of Rural and Agricultural Cooperatives of Iran (CURACI)


Candidate Name:  Mohammadreza Raeesinejad Doboneh

Country:  Iran

Nominating Organisation:  Central Union of Rural and Agricultural Cooperatives of Iran (CURACI)

Candidate statement:

M. R. Raissinejad is Head of Central Union of Rural and Agricultural Cooperatives of Iran (CURACI). He has a B.Sc in Agriculture and M.Sc in Public Trade Administration. He has 23 years of experience in rural and agricultural co-operatives. He was Manager of Land Affairs Bureau in Jirof, Kerman Province; Head of Land Affairs Office in Kerman Province; Managing Director of Jiroft Agro-industry, Kerman Province; Head of Provincial Cooperation Organization in Kerman; Head of provincial Organization of Agriculture-Jahad in Kerman; Head of Provincial Cooperation Organization in Tehran; and Director General of Land Distribution Office in National Organization of Land Affairs.

Mr Mohammad Sharif BHAIJI, nominated by Karachi Cooperative Housing Societies Union Limited


Candidate Name: Muhammad Sharif Bhaiji

Country: Pakistan

Nominating Organisation: Karachi Co-operative Housing Societies Union Ltd


Candidate statement:

Currently the Managing Director of Karachi Cooperative Housing Societies Union Ltd which performs marvelous and tremendous tasks like establishment of hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers and recreation parks and clubs etc.  I am also the Director of Kokan Cooperative Housing and have been serving as secretary for the last 18 years and have done lots of developmental work; the General Secretary of Union Cooperative Club which is established for the recreation of the residents of the same vicinity and the club provides gym, swimming pools, running track, well furnished cafeteria; and convener Director of Union Cooperative College for 18 years.

Mr Dmitry ZUBOV,Ÿ nominated by the Central Union of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation (Cetrosojuz)


Candidate Name: Dimitry Zubov

Country:  Russia

Nominating Organisation:  Central Union of Consumer Societies of the Russian Federation


Candidate statement:

Dmitry Zubov was born in 1954. He has a PhD on scientific works in the field of economy. He created and managed the Soviet-Union Center of youth housing cooperatives. Worked as a Deputy of General Director of the Soviet Union Center of Cinema and Television for Youth. In this role, he was actively engaged in the promotion of co-operative principles and values among youth. He used to work in the country's largest financial corporation AFK "System" as Deputy Vice President. AFK "System" is a Russian holding company, serving 150 million consumers in various sectors. He is currently Chairman of Centrosojuz.

Mr Dayaratna Samarasingha Karanagala PATHIRANA, nominated by the Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited


Candidate Name: Dayaratna Samarasingha Karanagala Pathirana

Country: Sri Lanka

Nominating Organisation: Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited (COOPFED)


Candidate statement:

D.S.K. Pathirana is the Chief Executive Officer & General Manager of COOPFED.  He was the Management Assistant at Public Services Thrift and Credit Co-oOperative Societies Federation in Sri Lanka and Research Officer & Human Rescourcse Assistant of Sri Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited (COOPFED). He is the Vice President of the Consumer Committee of International Co-operative Alliance in Asia Pacific, consulting as the Special Consulter of CICTAB (Cooperative Training Institute) in Pune – India, Executive Committee Member of Consumer Cooperative Worldwide (CCW) and an Executive committee member of Sri Lanka Vehicle Imports Association. He has completed many co-operative training courses.

Bennett Lyle REID, nominated by Co-operatives UK


Candidate Name: Ben Reid

Country: United Kingdom

Nominating Organisation: Co-operatives UK

Candidate statement:

An accountant by profession, Ben Reid began his co-operative employment with a small co-operative in Ilkeston, UK. Now CEO of Midcounties Co-operative employing over 9000 staff with an annual turnover of over £1billion, Midcounties is the most diverse, innovative and democratic consumer cooperative in the UK. A traditional co-operative, it has under Ben’s leadership, moved into childcare, travel, health and energy to great acclaim. A committed international co-operator, Ben believes it is time to give something back! Having used global examples over two decades to drive success at Midcounties, he now wants to help grow a stronger global co-operative movement.


Mr Kim Cu VO, Ÿnominated by the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance

Candidate Name: Vo Cim Cu

Country: Vietnam

Nominating Organisation: Vietnam Cooperative Alliance (VCA)



Candidate statement:

I was very active in the cooperative youth movement in my hometown in my youth. During 1990s, I was elected as a member of Cam Xuyen district Executive Party Committee, People's Council. In late 1990s to 2010, I was elected as a member of Ha Tinh province Executive Party Committee and Ha Tinh province People's Council. During my term, I supported cooperative development, created an enabling environment for cooperatives, promoted the new establishment of cooperatives that have contributed to improving livehoods of the farmers, creating more jobs and reducing poverty. In 11/2015 elected as President of VCA through 2020.



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