Co-operatives build a better world through Fairtrade

30 Apr 2012


For World Fair Trade Day, the ICA is encouraging co-operatives to show how the movement builds a better world for Fairtrade farmers.

On 12 May, people around the globe will mark the day for multi-billion dollar industry that gives money back to villages that produce items from coffee to cocoa to cotton to carnations. This Fairtrade premium helps to bring a better life to villagers. Co-operative models are helping Fairtrade enterprises around world. The Hop Tac coffee co-operative in Vietnam has been thriving in a difficult year for the coffee industry, which is experiencing volatile prices. The co-operative has used training and support to increase its exports; and the Fairtrade premium has allowed a meeting space to be built for the community. In the Dominican Republic, CONACADO co-operative provides cocoa products to Green & Black’s, Lush Cosmetics and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. The 10,000 farmers make up 25 per cent of national production by working co-operatively. The Manduvira Co-operative in Paraguay is a leading sugar producer, which can now afford to build its own mill rather than paying rental and transportation costs to another factory over 100km away. Nicola Kelly, ICA Director of Communications, said: "These stories, and many more, show that co-operatives are the successful structure behind Fairtrade; and there is no better time than the International Year of Co-operatives to shout about this. "Three out of four Fairtrade products sold come from co-operatives of small producers, while some products such as coffee and cocoa are entirely sourced from co-operatives. These are amazing facts that show co-operative enterprises do build a better world." • Find out more about World Fair Trade Day: Picture: Hop Tac coffee co-operative


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