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International Day of Co-operatives: the Alliance launches its pledging platform for co-ops

02 Jul 2016

On the occasion of the International Day of Co-operatives, 2 July 2016, the Alliance invites co-operators around the world to engage in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), by making a pledge to participate in the Co-ops for 2030 platform (www.coopsfor2030.coop), an Alliance campaign to unite co-operatives around the world in building a sustainable future – together. The platform will allow co-operatives to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals, set targets to help achieve the SDGs, track their progress and see how other co-operatives are engaging.

This International Day of Co-operatives will then celebrate how co-operative enterprises contribute to the achievement of the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, which set an ambitious agenda for 2030 to end poverty, combat climate change and ensure equality and inclusion for all.

Monique Leroux, president of the International Co-operative Alliance: “I am honoured to affirm today our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals. Co-operatives are key partners for achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, since our values and principles run parallel to the Sustainable Development Goals. It is important for the Alliance to share its work with the United Nations as the co-operative movement contributes in a tangible way to the SDGs. The co-operative business model needs to be promoted and shared because co-operative enterprises foster democracy, social inclusion and operate with concern for the environment. Co-operatives are sustainable businesses that have the power to act at local, national and international levels."

With co-operatives so entrenched in the communities that they serve, this is a rare opportunity to collaborate on a global level to advance shared interests. Co-operatives have the power to act for a sustainable future. Let’s share that power with the world!

Pledge today on www.coopsfor2030.coop!